An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

The term “physical” is often used to describe wellness care. However, a traditional, head-to-toe physical has not been shown to lower your risk of illness or injury. At your wellness visit, our health care team will take a health history and provide several other services:

  • Screenings to detect depression, risk for falling and other problems

  • A limited physical exam to check your blood pressure, weight, vision and other things depending on your age, gender and level of activity

  • Recommendations for other wellness services and healthy lifestyle changes

These preventative health visits do not often deal with new health problems; typically, new problems should be addressed at a separate visit with appropriate time to assess the issues properly. Please let our scheduling staff know if you need the doctor's help with a new health problem. We may need to schedule a separate appointment. 


Smoking Cessation Program

Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP), is a program designed by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care, to help patients quit smoking. The program provides free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers) to patients who smoke and are registered with the North York FHT. One-on-one counselling sessions are also provided to patients who enroll in the program. If you would like more information on how to STOP smoking, click here for more information.



Our physicians and nurses advocate for routine vaccination, travel vaccines, and specific vaccines like Gardasil, to protect against disease.

Our nurses, physicians or nurse practitioners are the resource people to talk to, to ensure you understand the risks and benefits of immunization. Click here more information and an up to date immunization schedule.

Healthy Choices, Healthy Children: Vaccine Myths explained

What is the single best thing we can do for our health?